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Ensuring excellence with every step: Our Quality Assurance modules at work


LQMS software can standardize processes and procedures across an organization, ensuring consistency and reliability in every step of the process.

Audit Management

LQMS software can help manage and track audits, ensuring that all areas of the organization are regularly reviewed for compliance and quality.

Corrective and Preventive Actions (CAPA)

LQMS software can provide a systematic approach to identifying and addressing the root causes of issues, preventing them from occurring again in the future.

Risk Management

LQMS software can help identify and manage risks throughout the process, ensuring that potential issues are identified and addressed before they become actual problems.

Performance Metrics

QMS software can provide real-time data and insights into the quality of processes and procedures, allowing organizations to continuously monitor and improve their performance.

Document Control

QMS software can help manage and control document versions, ensuring that the most up-to-date and accurate documents are being used at every step.

Go Green and Boost Efficiency with Paperless QMS Software

Enhanced Sustainability

By eliminating paper-based processes, paperless QMS software can help reduce environmental impact and promote sustainability.

Increased Accessibility

Electronic documents can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, making it easier for team members to collaborate and access information remotely.

Faster Audits

With paperless QMS software, audits can be conducted more quickly and efficiently, since all necessary information can be easily accessed and reviewed electronically.

Improved Compliance

Paperless QMS software can help organizations maintain compliance with industry regulations and standards, such as ISO 9001, by providing automated tools for tracking and reporting on compliance activities.

Better Decision-Making

Paperless QMS software can provide real-time visibility into quality metrics and KPIs, enabling decision-makers to make more informed and data-driven decisions.

Reduced Costs

Paperless QMS software eliminates the need for paper-based documentation, reducing printing and storage costs.

Our Service Sections

Customer Survey

LQMS customer feedback software module is a tool that helps organizations collect and analyze feedback from their customers. This module can help organizations to gather information about their customers' experiences with their products or services, and identify areas where they can improve

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Quality Registers

LQMS quality registers software module is a tool that helps organizations manage their quality documentation and records. This module can be used to maintain a register of all quality-related documents, such as daily check records

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Document Control

LQMS Centralized document control software offers several benefits to organizations that need to manage a large volume of documents. One of the primary advantages is improved efficiency and productivity, as it allows all users to access the latest version of a document in real-time, without having to manually search for it or wait for it to be emailed

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LQMS Audit management software offers numerous benefits to organizations that need to manage and oversee audits efficiently. One of the primary advantages is increased productivity and accuracy, as the software automates many tasks involved in the audit process, such as scheduling, tracking, and reporting

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Risk Management

LQMS Risk management software provides several benefits to organizations that need to manage and mitigate risks effectively. One of the primary advantages is improved efficiency, as the software automates many tasks involved in the risk management process, such as risk identification, assessment, and mitigation planning

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Supplier Control

LQMS Supplier management software offers several benefits to organizations that need to manage their supplier relationships effectively. One of the primary advantages is improved efficiency, as the software streamlines many tasks involved in supplier management, such as supplier selection, performance monitoring, and contract management

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Training & Competency

LQMS Training and competency management software provides several benefits to organizations that need to manage their employee training and development programs effectively. One of the primary advantages is improved efficiency, as the software automates many tasks involved in training and competency management, such as training needs analysis, training scheduling, and competency assessments

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Management Review

LQMS Management review meeting software offers several benefits to organizations that need to conduct regular reviews of their management processes and performance. One of the primary advantages is improved efficiency, as the software automates many tasks involved in management review meetings, such as agenda preparation, document management, and action item tracking

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Key performance Indicators

Performance Monitoring: The software can help organizations track and measure their performance against specific goals and objectives. This can help to identify areas for improvement and can provide data to support quality improvement initiatives

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Quality Objectives & Planning

Quality objectives are specific goals that an organization sets to improve its products, services, and overall performance. To achieve these objectives, LQMS  planning software can be a valuable tool for organizations

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Opportunity for Improvement

LQMS Opportunity for improvement software modules are tools designed to help organizations identify areas where they can improve their processes, products, or services. These software modules allow organizations to collect data, analyze it, and identify potential opportunities for improvement

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Let’s discuss about how we can help make your business better

United States of America

LQMS Software Solutions LLC
North East PA
United States of America
  001 215 824 8921

United Arab Emirates

LQMS Software Solutions LLC
M0-2 Lahej Al Basti Building
116569, AL Karama
Dubai , United Arab Emirates
  + 97 156 548 0200


LQMS Software Solutions LLP
B8, 3rd Floor, Blue Mount Tower
Near Infopark South Gate
Kakkand- Kochi . India 682030
  0091 9539 5617 90


LQMS Software Solutions LLP
Kerala, India 686631
  0091 9539 5617 90