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One Solution to address all your quality and compliance matters

Document Management

The software should allow you to manage all your quality documents, including policies, procedures, and records, in a central location.

No Conformances

Non-conformance management: The software should allow you to track and manage non-conformances, including root cause analysis and corrective action management.

Audit Management

The software should allow you to schedule and manage internal and external audits, track audit findings, and manage corrective actions.

Training management

The software should allow you to manage employee training records, track training needs, and schedule training sessions.

Instrument Calibration

Equipment calibration and maintenance management: The software should allow you to track and manage equipment calibration and maintenance schedules.

Risk Management

The software should allow you to manage and document the risks associated with laboratory processes.


Performance metrics and reporting: The software should provide key performance metrics and customizable reports to help you measure the effectiveness of your quality management system.

HOW QMS software benefit Healthcare organizations


LQMS software can help hospitals and labs standardize their processes, procedures, and documentation. This ensures consistency and reduces the risk of errors, which can have significant consequences in healthcare settings.

Regulatory Compliance

Compliance with regulatory requirements is critical in healthcare. QMS software can help hospitals and labs meet regulatory standards such as HIPAA, CLIA, and FDA regulations, as well as accreditation requirements such as ISO 15189.


LQMS software can automate routine tasks, such as document control, training management, and corrective action tracking, which can save time and reduce errors. This frees up staff to focus on more critical tasks, such as patient care.

Risk Management

LQMS software can help hospitals and labs identify and manage risks, such as non-conformities, deviations, and adverse events. This allows them to take corrective actions promptly, minimizing the impact of the risks.

Continuous Improvement

LQMS software provides hospitals and labs with real-time data and analytics on their processes, which can help them identify areas for improvement. This allows them to implement continuous improvement initiatives, resulting in better outcomes for patients and increased efficiency.

Cost savings

LQMS software can help hospitals and labs to reduce costs associated with quality management, such as the cost of manual processes, non-compliance penalties, and rework. This can help organizations to operate more efficiently and improve their bottom line.

Top Management Real time Dashboards


LQMS software dashboards can be customized to meet the specific needs of top management, displaying the quality metrics that are most important to their organization. This allows top management to focus on the areas that matter most, making data-driven decisions that improve performance and drive results.

Improved data visibility

LQMS software dashboards provide top management with real-time visibility into quality metrics, such as compliance rates, risk levels, and performance indicators. This allows top management to quickly identify areas of concern and take corrective action.

Better decision-making

LQMS software dashboards provide top management with easy-to-understand, graphical representations of quality data. This helps top management to make better-informed decisions about quality management, resource allocation, and risk mitigation.

Better Communication

Management dashboards can help lab managers identify inefficiencies and bottlenecks in lab processes, also LQMS software dashboards provide top management with a centralized location to access quality data and reports. This promotes better communication and collaboration among top management, quality managers, and other stakeholders.

Trend Analysis

LQMS software dashboards allow top management to track quality trends over time. This helps to identify patterns and anticipate potential quality issues before they occur.

Improved quality control

By providing real-time data on quality control metrics, management dashboards can help managers to take right decisions.


LQMS software dashboards can be customized to meet the specific needs of top management, displaying the quality metrics that are most important to their organization. This allows top management to focus on the areas that matter most, making data-driven decisions that improve performance and drive results.

Patient Safety

Improved patient safety

LQMS can help hospitals establish standardized processes and procedures for delivering care that can reduce errors and improve patient safety. This can result in better patient outcomes, fewer adverse events, and fewer medical malpractice claims.

Increased efficiency:

LQMS can help hospitals streamline their operations and reduce waste, resulting in improved efficiency and cost savings. By implementing QMS, hospitals can identify areas for improvement, eliminate redundancies, and optimize workflows.

Enhanced regulatory compliance

QMS can help hospitals stay compliant with regulatory requirements and guidelines, such as those set forth by the Joint Commission or Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). By implementing QMS, hospitals can ensure that they are meeting these requirements and avoid penalties and fines.

Improved staff satisfaction

QMS can help hospitals create a culture of continuous improvement that values employee feedback and involvement. By engaging staff in QMS initiatives, hospitals can increase staff satisfaction and reduce turnover.

Improved Security

LQMS software modules can provide secure access to confidential information and reduce the risk of data breaches.

Enhanced reputation

QMS can help hospitals demonstrate their commitment to quality and safety, which can enhance their reputation in the community and attract more patients. By implementing QMS, hospitals can differentiate themselves from competitors and build trust with patients and other stakeholders.

Our Service Sections

Equipment's Calibration & Maintamnnance

Calibration is an essential process in healthcare because it ensures the accuracy and reliability of equipment used for patient diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring. Accurate and reliable measurement of patient parameters is crucial for making informed decisions about patient care and treatment

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Doccument Control

Document Control: Healthcare quality management software allows organizations to manage and control their documents in a central location. This can help to ensure that all documents are up-to-date, and that everyone has access to the most current version

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Compliance Management

Compliance Management: The software can help organizations comply with regulatory requirements and industry standards. The software can help automate compliance tasks, such as tracking and reporting on compliance metrics, which can help to reduce the risk of non-compliance

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Risk Management

Risk Management: Healthcare quality management software can help organizations identify, assess, and manage risks. This can help to reduce the likelihood of adverse events occurring, and help organizations to be better prepared to deal with them if they do occur

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Let’s discuss about how we can help make your business better

United States of America

LQMS Software Solutions LLC
North East PA
United States of America
  001 215 824 8921

United Arab Emirates

LQMS Software Solutions LLC
M0-2 Lahej Al Basti Building
116569, AL Karama
Dubai , United Arab Emirates
  + 97 156 548 0200


LQMS Software Solutions LLP
B8, 3rd Floor, Blue Mount Tower
Near Infopark South Gate
Kakkand- Kochi . India 682030
  0091 9539 5617 90


LQMS Software Solutions LLP
Kerala, India 686631
  0091 9539 5617 90